
LDRSentiments101: Solo Concierto


One of the things that bind me and my bf together is music. We have the same taste in music in any genre. One genre that we particularly enjoy is Rock/Screamo/Indie/Reggae or what other people consider as NOISE. We enjoy listening to growls and screams and those who are not considered mainstream. He is actually the one who introduced me to these kinds of music and I immediately embraced it because of the deep lyrics and different approach of storytelling.

Since he left for the states, I haven’t found any of my close friends who share the same interest in my music. And it’s sad listening to music alone without someone to share it with. Oh yeah, we could still talk about it online but it’s still different if you’re singing and talking about it personally. Much worse is, going to concerts ALONE.

A lot of our favorite bands have been coming here in Tugue lately and as much as I want to watch them all, I just can’t for the following reasons:

1. There’s no one who could go with me. As I said, none of my close friends are interested. I could go with my Ading but of course he would rather be with his barkada than his ate.

2. Since rock bands are mostly sponsored by liquor or some other sort, they are generally not safe. There will always be an 80% chance of fight. And being a girl, I wouldn’t want to risk it.

But, I did experience going alone twice. First was the Urbandub concert. I knew a lot of people and familiar faces but of course, they are in their own cliques and I would not want to be FC (feeling close) and immediately go with them. So I chatted with them for a few minutes and during the band performance, since I was alone, I easily got to the front and moshed with random people. The second and latest was during Up Dharma’s gig. I did invite a few people who tolerated my fangirl moments. Then after a few hours they just had to leave so I saw another someone I know who luckily admires the band and went with them a few minutes and then slowly faded into the background, sitting, smiling while secretly wishing my special to be with me in this kind of moments.

It was just plain sad. But truth is, we chose this kind of setup. We agreed and compromised cause this was for the better I believe. This is just one of the harsh realities we have to face and to fight in order to keep our relationship going.




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